Toxin injections for the Chin?

Toxin injections for the Chin?

The Mentalis is a strong muscle that provides the bulk of the chin and is responsible for pushing the lower lip upwards and outwards.  This movement is associated with the expression of doubt and dislike or even disrespect. With some people, this muscle can become overactive which can result in the skin overlying the chin having a cobbled or dimpled effect (orange peel in texture).

Small amounts of Toxin injections into this muscle can relax this muscle, which in turn will improve the appearance of the chin. The toxin works by producing temporary weakness in the muscle and lasts for about four months at which point the treatment can be repeated again. The goal of this treatment is to create weakness in the muscle and therefore improve the position of the lip and improve the appearance of the chin with less exaggerated movements.

What is involved in this treatment? After a thorough consultation and analysis should you wish to proceed with the treatment then you will be given a consent form to read and sign followed with photographs before the treatment. The skin will be cleaned and small amounts of Botulinum Toxin will be carefully injected into targeted muscles. A gradual improvement will be seen within 2 weeks.

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